Mixed bales of clothes
2 years ago Fashion Lagos 312 views Reference: 457Location: Lagos
Price: ₦100,000
UKAY BALES OF CLOTHES, SHOES, BAGS : john, 0912 453 7730,
clothes usually comes in bales (sealed sack fill with mixed clothes)
We have bales from different countries , UK, USA, CHINA etc!
Where you buy from determine the clothes quality, UK first grade clothes. : 0912 453 7730,
shoes, bags, human hair- 50,000
Bales of children clothes - 50,000 ,
Bale of Uk used ladies bra -N35,000
Bale Men shirt (800pieces) - N60,000
Bale ladies mixed tops - N55,000
Bale of original shorts - N40,000
Bale of light Sports wear - N45,000
Bale of Mens polo/t shirt mix - N55,000
Bale of Ladies mix dresses - N55,000
Bale of Mens shoes - (750pairs) - N100,000
Children shoes 900 ( pairs) - N80,000
95kg 120,000
bale of mixed underwear pants
bale of singlets/camisoile are also available.
All items are Tokunbo A grade goods.
Prices reflected are fixed price.
There's also a! 20%discount for customers getting up to 3bales. GOD BLESS Y'ALL